Through our
Interfaith Hospitality Network
In cooperation with community churches and volunteers, our Residential Program provides a safe place to stay and meals along with case management and supports to help the families gain or regain sustainable independence. The residential program is essentially a 30 to 120-day program. When families enter our program, immediate goals include obtaining employment, developing a budget and savings plan, and long term expectations. Each family works on personalized, weekly goals to provide them the knowledge and skills needed to be successful and to gain ultimate sustainable independence. Through donations and grants, we assist with things such as childcare and transportation so that the family can save the majority of their money earned to be ready to be independence. After the hard work and successful graduation from our hospitality network, our alumni are supported through our Graduate Sustainability Program. With this program we offer, as needed, such things as continued budgeting assistance, case management, help finding needed household items and life skills classes. We continue this support in hopes of thriving long-term sustainability and eventual full independence.